Live in Concert


präsentiert von Ichi Ichi

Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Konzert: 20:00 - 23:00


Horse Lords make music for the liberation of mind and body. Propulsive in a way that inspires movement and that’s felt in the gut, the Baltimore quartet’s new album The Common Task points to a utopian, modernist ideal. The group’s use of algorithmic composition techniques, microtonal harmonies, and plentifully deployed polyrhythm aren’t secondary to the music’s danceability and rhapsodic swirl, but integral to the party itself. 
Horse Lords are the Pied Piper of experimental music and radical thought. Their music is unabashedly fun, and experiencing it in a live context is an experience of collective ecstasy, each body moving to its own notion of what the beat may be. That shared experience, the joy of unified flow and motion, allows the ideas typically understood as “difficult” to be more easily absorbed. By using musical forms that point towards new ways of being, thinking, and organizing, by constantly re-evaluating assumptions and compositional systems, Horse Lords provide a model for society at large. By showing just how joyous it can be to imagine new futures and possibilities, by making us dance and howl with each tectonic shift, they show how dazzling the path towards utopia could be.


Mixing elements of hip-hop, electronica and jazz with punk and hardcore, the sonic side to ampires sounds like free-jazz-core drumming played along to distorted keyboards and seemingly randomised computer noises. Those familiar with the abrasiveness of Hella, BANGLADEAFY, or MoHa! will feel right at home here."


ichi ichi veranstaltet Konzerte.
ichi ichi betreibt ein Label und Verlag.
ichi ichi gibt es seit 2016.
ichi ichi (formely knows as knertz shows) gibt es in dieser Form seit 2016, aber veranstaltet schon viel, viel länger Konzerte in Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden.
ichi ichi ist eine Art Krake aus Mensch mit vielen Armen und einem riesen Hirn -with a lot on its mind.Genregrenzen für ichi ichi gibt es nicht so richtig nur die des Geschmacks; Von Synth zu Indie zu Experimentell zu Pop. Jedes Konzert lohnt sich, es gibt immer was zu entdecken. Scheuklappen an der Garderobe abgeben.


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